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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ'S):

Can I register at the door?

Yes! However, there tends to be long lines at the registration table the day of. Why not make your morning easier by registering/paying online so all you have to do is swing by the name tag table for your name tag, freeing you to grab coffee, a snack and to connect with friends! If you're unable to register online, at the door you’ll have the option to pay by check or cash.


Can I register a guest online?

Yes! You'll be able to be able to enter their information and their ticket will go to the email provided. 


What if I registered online, but I am now unable to attend? Unfortunately, we are unable to give refunds but if you'd like to give your ticket to a friend, we'd love to have them attend! Please e-mail us and let us know of the registration change.


Food: What kind of refreshments will there be?

To enhance our enjoyment of the REVIVE experience, our host church will provide healthy, hearty snacks available throughout the morning.


Will there be coffee and/or tea available?

Yes! And water, too.


If I have a dietary restriction, will there be any refreshment offerings for me?

We do not usually cater to GF or V guests at Revive events, so please keep it in mind to eat beforehand or pack a few snacks. There is also no guarantee that the assumed GF items have not come into contact with gluten items when being prepared. So, please take caution when eating any foods at the event.


Other: Is this event for women of any age?

We ask that women attending be at least high school age, so they can receive as much out of the day as possible! We would also suggest that high school age young adults be accompanied by an older female friend or relative.


Will there be childcare?

Yes! At Oregon Revive we offer free childcare to mothers who pre-register themselves and their children online before close of registration Tuesday night at midnight. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate moms who show up for childcare without pre-registering their children since (by law) we have to have a certain number of childcare workers per child. If you have a newborn who needs to be with you during the event, that's totally fine, as long as you are respectful of women who are trying to enjoy the event. (Note: Only offered at the Oregon Revive event).


Will there be Handicap Accessibility to all areas of the event?

Yes! If you need further assistance, please let us know ahead of time by contacting


For general inquiries, please contact

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